Friday 9 April 2021


Carol singing should Image result for picture carol matthews riverside

 get on-key!

No, it`s not Christmas…but I am certain that I can hear Carol singing! A bit off-key, I must admit. But then, when is Carol ever  on- key?

Yes, it`s Carol Matthews (pictured) ,Riverside Housing Association`s Chief Executive Officer who from time to time does a bit of “Carol singing” in the pages of that excellent publication, Inside Housing. Her “singing” takes  the form of an article in the magazine.

 Here is an example of her “Carol singing.” It is the title of her latest  Inside Housing article and reads as follows:

“From infection rates to vaccination uptake, we’re not all in the same boat” .

You may wonder what the boating is about.

The article goes sailing on to explain, list  and advise on various problems that have followed the Covis pandemic.

Problems such as :people who should be self-isolating aren’t doing so because they cannot afford not to work;people are scared to get a test for fear of having to self-isolate;people from ethnic minorities in the UK are more likely to die of Covid.

Mrs Matthews`article is very worthy…worthy, but very tedious, and lacking imagination.

Not only that, it is very much old hat. In other words we have heard it  all before.

The very knowledgeable Inside Housing readers will have read these various reports and problems hundreds of times previously on radio,TV and the rest of the media.They don`t have to hear it all yet again.

And additionally, Mrs Matthews` Riverside  organisation is in no position to be giving advice. The Liverpool-based  organisation is very bossy, very undemocratic and very inefficient as far as its 50,000 tenants and leaseholders are concerned.

Mrs Matthews should concentrate on the mote in her own organisation`s eye before trying to cast  out the mote in anyone else`s eye. Her priority should be getting her own house in order .

Carol singing should get on-key.

 Carlisle Tenants` and Residents` Federation publishes this blog. Information about the Federation is available on 01228 52227


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