Labour can now do great things on housing
Labour now has a rare chance to push through a huge expansion in housing construction says The Times newspaper in an editorial this week.
The editorial recalls that as far back as the 1951 Manifesto the Conservatives had given housing a priority second only to national defence. Unfortunately the party had given way to the”paralysing influence of nimbyism”, one of the many reasons they now had paid the political price.
TThe same thing could happen to Labour
which had now recommitted itself to building 1.5 million homes over the parliament
and a permanent end to the planning regime that for years has acted as a drag
anchor on residential construction, says the editorial.
Labour`s great warrior Aneurin Bevan (pictured) said of post war housebuilding:”We shall be judged for a year or two by the number of houses we build. We shall be judged in ten years time by the type of houses we build.”
Like the Tory manifesto of of 1951 this remains perfectly sound advice, says the editorial.
Community Voice Carlisle is the blog of Carlisle Tenants` and Residents`Federation. Information about the Federation is available on 01228 522277
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