Gove boasts of his `backbone`
to fight
Michael Gove, the housing minister, has stepped up his attacks on housing associations. In a letter to The Times newspaper he claims he is “a minister with backbone to fight vested interests.”
He lists his achievements up to now following his attacks: improving social housing tenants` rights; compelling developers to pay to remove cladding; and standing with the Grenfell community by professionalising senior housing association employees.
He adds: “Shortly we will introduce long overdue legislation to protect private renters.
“Of course we need more house building. The government is committed to 300,000 new homes every year and we are increasing social housing. We want more of the new homes that are built for people to live in.”
David Orr (pictured) boss of Clarion Housing Association looked forward to a meeting with Mr Gove as a”a breakthough moment” in the treatment of social housing.
He said on BBC Radio Four Today Programme that the association had made substantial changes including a dedicated help line since the Housing Ombudsman found against the association in the treatment of people.
He added there was now no excuse for landlords who are managing property to allow the properties to get into the state criticised by the Ombudsman.
Mr Orr is the former National Housing Federation chief executive.Clarion is the UK’s largest social landlord, with 125,000 homes and 350,000 residents across the country.
Community Voice Carlisle is the blog of Carlisle Tenants` and Residents`Federation. Information about the Federation is availableon 01228 522277
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