Wednesday 16 September 2020





Landlords paid the piper-then called  the tune!.

 Campaigner Jimmy Devlin joins the debate about  the  tenants` organisation Taroe (Tenants` and Residents` Organisation of England) which has just packed up for good and  has  been denounced by this blog as a hypocritical setup.   

 Jimmy agrees with Carlisle Tenants` and Residents` Federation (the blog publisher) that most Taroe members will not  miss Taroe… not one little bit. But Jimmy is not as scathing as the federation in his criticism of the organisation.

 In an email to the federation, Jimmy recalls that when Taroe started, only constituted groups were allowed to become Taroe members… such  groups as tenants` and residents` associations or council tenants prepared to pay an annual fee.

 Private renters and  Housing Associations tenants followed later

 But Taroe became divisive and regularly referrred to itself as "the tenants' movement"  which was clearly wrong, says Jimmy.

Jimmy is chairman of the North West Tenants` and Residents` Assembly. 

 He goes on:”Taroe included some tenants who were good hearted and tried very hard on behalf of some others.

 “But other members (housing association board members for example) simply provided cover for poor landlords , ticking their participation boxes.

 “Politics was taboo  within the organisation and a major failing  was that Taroe was unable to engage those patriotic people deemed  to be far right by the media and politicians.

“This disconnect was the main reason why a majority of tenants failed to get involved with the organisation.

“Indeed most tenants will not miss Taroe at all.

 “I could write a thick book on these topics and others, but for now I would say Taroe RIP.

“Perhaps well meaning is just not enough as social and demographic changes progress with NO input on behalf of tenants or their representative groups

“Dependence on funding via councils and landlords as was the case with Taroe will ensure tenants never have a real say in policy decisions

“Tenants must get active in local politics to get heard.

 Taroe never seemed to understand this point as it tried to operate on a level far beyond its remit (and ultimately failing).”

Carlisle Tenants` and Residents` Federation publishes this blog.

 Information about the Federation is available on 01228 522277



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