A 14-year fight against
Riverside Housing Association`s failures and abuses is at last being won by
Carlisle Tenants` and Residents` Federation and its supporters.
At last, the city
council is acting to curb Liverpool-based Riverside as
the Federation has urged it to do since 2002.
It was in that year that
Riverside moved into the city and took
over the council`s 7.000 council homes, a property estate it took the council more than a century to
Riverside`s shocking management of that estate and its abuses of power are at last being tackled by the council in an historic turnaround.
Riverside`s shocking management of that estate and its abuses of power are at last being tackled by the council in an historic turnaround.
The story of that
historic turnaround is told in the Federation`s 2016 chairman`s report which was recently presented at the annual meeting.
That report is
reprinted here:
links with city council strengthened as
councillors up the pressure for major changes at Riverside Housing Association
The Federation has had
another very successful year with regular
monthly meetings and committee meetings held in Eastern Way Fire Station.
All our meetings have been stimulating and enjoyable and have attracted people
from other groups in the city.
following are the highlights of the year:
and accountability: . A gigantic increase
of open-ness and accountability is sorely needed in the Carlisle area as far as the principal
landlord, Riverside Housing Association, is concerned. Riverside, in the view
of the Federation is accountable to no one but itself. It is no longer a housing association but is a
profit-making property development
Links with other campaigning
organisations: The Federation has continued
to strengthen working links with the North West Tenants` and Residents`
Assembly. Nationally, housing stock transfers continue to be questioned and successfully
challenged, Locally, questions persist
in the city and district about the
wisdom and legality of the Carlisle transfer of its housing stock to Riverside
fourteen years ago.
City Council and questions for Riverside: The Federation has
continued to hold Riverside to account through meetings with Councillor Colin
Glover, Leader of the city council and
with other councillors and officials. The meetings together with other
campaigning against Riverside abuses probably played a part in a complete
change around during the year in the council attitude to Riverside. The council` s
relationship with the council is no longer passive and tame but is now very pro-active
and critical when necessary.
Riverside campaign of hostility to the
Federation: The Federation has continued to challenge
Riverside`s campaign of hostility to the
Federation which started when Riverside
provocatively and outrageously told the city council that the Federation would
cease to exist. This statement was
noted by the council and entered in the
followed this statement by twice
attempting to block the Federation `s participation in the business of the city
council`s Community Overview and Scrutiny Panel. Riverside has still not explained why it wishes the Federation`s demise and how it proposes to
ensure that demise. Nor has Riverside explained its frequent use against the Federation of its obnoxious
Persistent Complaints Procedure.
Riverside`s Carlisle governing board:The board was abolished
by Riverside a few weeks ago as part of an apparent reconstruction of the housing association. The
Riverside decision has been challenged
by the city council which claims it is
invalid because the council`s agreement to it was necessary.
tenure of Mr Dean Butterworth as regional director of Riverside Carlisle: Mr Butterworth
resigned a few months ago as Riverside`s
Carlisle regional director and was succeeded by Ms Sarah Paton who was
recruited from outside the organisation. She has the role of Northern Regional
Director based in Newcastle upon Tyne and including Carlisle. The post of
Carlisle regional; director has apparently been abolished. Hopefully Ms Parton
will have more success than Mr
Butterworth. He arrived from
Sheffield three years ago and made
various promises about improving Riverside Carlisle, Up to now there have been
none of the promised improvements.
Butterworth inherited a very difficult
legacy from his predecessor Mr Patrick Leonard, a fact which has been recognised by Ms Carol Matthews, Chief Executive of
Riverside . Mr Leonard`s legacy persists through Riverside`s continued deplorable
use of incomprehensible gobbledegook in communications with tenants and others.
His legacy also persists in Riverside`s
failure to adopt an acceptable effective
complaints procedure and its failure to to have any democratic arrangements
available for effective tenant and leaseholder community representation on the
Riverside board. It is a scandal that all the previous tenant and leaseholder community groups which existed
before Riverside arrived on the scene
were abolished at the takeover and their grants terminated.
Leonard`s very difficult legacy also
persists through its deplorable bossy culture which has been publicly
criticised by a Carlisle city councilors.
excessive rents and unfair charges: A lot of
time has been spent challenging Riverside about its excessive rents, unfair charges and its incomprehensible
chaotic business practices. Riverside
imposed greatly increased service
charges which are currently being challenged by the Federation.
BILLY LYON... death a big blow |
The death of Billy Lyon:.Billy Lyon one of the Federation`strongest supporters died on August 5. His death was a big blow to the Federation particularly because of his work in getting the Church of England involved in the fight for justice for those Riverside tenants who were victims of Riverside`s failures. It was his initiative that Cumbria Riverside Action Group (see above ) came into being. The Federation is currently seeking to create a permament memorial to Billy.
Action for Heat: Much of the Federation
work during the year has involved much active help for the
very unfortunate tenants of Riverside who live in Longtown.
estimated sixty of them, together with others at Crosby- on- Eden were victims
of appalling Riverside mismanagement following the installation in their homes
of dodgy heating systems which are so
expensive to run the tenants cannot afford to use them. Many of the affected
properties now have new tenants on short term tenancies but the properties are still affected and Longtown Action for Heat, led by Jimmy Robb
and backed by the Federation are tackling this problem together with problems
arising from undesirable tenants being
moved into the town by Riverside.
The city
council, following an initiative by the Leader Councillor Colin Glover is now
actively working to get justice for the Longtown and Crosby – on - Eden tenants.
Carlisle South Community Association: The Federation continues to be actively involved in the work of Carlisle
South Community Association which does
excellent work supporting communities, particularly in tackling dog fouling and
improving the facilities in Dale End
Park at Petteril Bank. A group, Friends
of Dale End Park was formed by the association which is now planning further
improvements to the park, particularly the provision of a BMX Track. The association continues to have
the active help and co-operation of the city
council Green Spaces and of the county council..
Botcherby Forever . The Federation has continued to give active support to
those members of Botcherby Residents` Action Group(BRAG) who were banned from
BRAG meetings following the takeover of the group by a
group of Durranhill residents and other residents living outside the original
Botcherby estate. These banned members
formed a new community group, Botcherby Forever which meets monthly, helped by the Federation.
![]() |
St. Andrew`s Church, Botcherby |
Botcherby Forever has spent much of the last three years helping local author Pat Hitchon in writing a history of Botcherby, entitled Botcherby ... a Garden Village.It is due to be published in May. Pat has attended all our meetings along with many residents, all very keen to help the planned publication. Altogether, Pat has had help from more than 1000 local people, many of them linked together through Botcherby Forever meetings which have been a great success and are now held in Eastern Way Fire Station
Forever members also published another book during the year.
It is Botcherby Heroes Remembered which tells the stories of the Botcherby men killed
in World War One.
blog: Most of the issues
raised in this report have been previously covered by the Federation blog. The blog`s
viewing figures have risen consistently since the blog started in March 2013. The blog is increasingly seen as a very
useful Federation publicity and information tool.
The blog
is named Community Voice Carlisle.The
link is:http://carlisleruraltenantsfederation.blogspot.co.uk/
to everyone: I wish to thank everyone who have helped the Federation
during the year and thank all who have attended our meetings and contributed to
our many interesting discussions and debates.
Thanks too, to Kenny
Simpson and George Cornish and other members of Carlisle South Community
Association who have helped at our meetings
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