Saturday 29 August 2015


Stobart`s Volvos
rev and roar... `in
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The revs and the roar of  Eddie Stobart`s trucks managed to drown out everything as they were put through their paces at the  weekend`s annual Stobart truck fest . The fest was a roaring success, a great  day`s entertainment for thousands at Carlisle Airport, particularly  the Eddie spotters.

For  these Stobart enthusiasts, the revs and roars of the huge Volvos and Scanias was pure music.

Surprisingly, there was another roar not  so far away. It was very  much like the roar of the engines of one of Eddie`s trucks. This  roar -  at  the neighbouring village of Crosby on Eden - also drowned out everything round about.

But this roar was far from entertaining. There was no “pure music” about it. This roar was a menace And it is still a menace.... as it has been for four years.

This roar is so much of a menace that environmental health officers  have been  brought in because of the possible damage to health.

This roar is caused by  large air source pumps fitted to boilers in  Riverside Housing Association homes in the Garth, Crosby on Eden. The roar of these pumps is the equivalent of the roar of one of Eddie Stobart`s trucks, declared the  environmental health officers.

The officers added, according to one Crosby tenant, that it was the loudest sound they had ever recorded in a house.

This roar is one shocking aspect of the  Riverside story in Crosby on Eden. There are also the rocketing energy  bills. One tenant was paying £70 a week at one stage. Now, with the  monstrously-expensive  boilers switched off for much of the time, the bill  is £30 a week.

The Riverside story in Crosby on Eden is a replica of the equally shocking Riverside story in Longtown where the energy bills of up to £4,000 a year just cannot be afforded by tenants. So in winter they freeze in their homes.

The   boilers, which as well as being insufferably– loud are dodgy.They were installed and maintained by cowboy workmen, say the tenants who  also complain about   an inefficient  and ineffective Riverside administration tackling the problem.

The shocking Riverside story at Longtown has been exposed in this blog  by Carlisle Tenants and Residents Federation activists  over a period of two years. The scandal Is also being  highlighted by two other community  activist groups, Longtown Action for Heat and Cumbria Riverside Action Group. 

Carlisle City Council is also involved through an investigation of tenants` complaints by the Leader, Councillor Colin Glover.

Now  all of these concerned organisations must come together  and give urgent attention to the suffering tenants of Crosby on Eden.

The cries for help of these suffering tenants are  very loud. 

As loud as the  roaring boilers  in their homes and the roaring engines of Eddie Stobart`s Volvos and Scanias.

CarlisleTenants` and Residents` Federation publishes this blog. Information about the Federation is available on 01228 522277 or 01228 532803.

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