freezing tenants have now sent an urgent
message to Cabinet minister Eric Pickles (above). At their latest meeting, the tenants
decided to ask him to undertake an urgent investigation into the solar panel
fiasco which for the past two years has left them with unheated homes.
of the Longtown(Cumbria) tenants agreed a resolution deploring the failure of
Riverside Housing Association to end the
continued distress of about sixty tenants who cannot afford to turn on their faulty
central heating systems- part of the solar panel installations-because they are astronomically too expensive to use.
resolution, seeking an urgent investigation into Riverside`s alleged incompetence and alleged failure of duty of care, is being
sent to Mr Pickles, the Communities and Local Government Secretary who is the minister responsible for housing.

meeting heard one tenant after another speak of their struggles to cope with the rocketing energy bills.
of Riverside was stepped up when the meeting heard that the situation had now
got worse. The number of tenants affected is
now actually going up by the day
because homes containing the faulty
installations, which were empty previously are now being let.
tenants in these homes are also experiencing the same rocketing heating bills, putting them also into debt.
two councils-Carlisle and Cumbria- were also criticised.”For two years we have
been complaining about the heating and the big bills but the two councils have
done nothing to help” said one of the tenants.”We have been forced to go to Mr
“Hopefully, he will get something done.”
Voice Carlisle is the blog of Carlisle Tenants` and Residents`Federation.
Information about the Federation is available on the first post of this blog,
dated March 25 2013.
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